Hello, Hi, Howdy Y'all

I’m a Speaker, Show Host, Corporate Executive Coach, Healing Dance Therapist, Educator, Scientist, Fur Baby Mama and Your Most Excellent Giggle Buddy (Honestly!) And that’s not all friends! I’m also a woo-woo woman, spiritual scientist, lover of information and knowledge, science story & experiment teacher/performer for kids 4-13 years of age, real life unicorn, small town southern girl with big world dreams, enthusiastic energetic lover of life, and ultimate chocolate cheesecake connoisseur.
See? I’m so much more than meets the eye and I have no doubt you are too!
My passion and secret sauce are helping you mix together all the individual parts of you, stir them up in the most amazing unique “you soup”, and give you simple tools and resources so you can live the most healthy, happy, fun life of your dreams. NOW – not sometime in the future.

If you’ve landed here you’ve probably come to question a few things…

How can I develop a more positive outlook on life amidst all the chaos?

I know I am meant for more, I just don’t know how to get to it and even what it is and looks like.

How can I improve my self-confidence and get over my fear of failure?

I really wanna be a happier person, I just don’t know how to make it a regular habit.

How do I stop doubting myself and the negative self-talk running around in my head?

Does living a healthy lifestyle really have to be so hard?

How can we create a happier workplace that drives retention and productivity?

What are the benefits of promoting employee happiness and how can it impact our company’s success?

IF any of these sound like something you’ve said out loud or in your head, then my friend, you’re in the right place!

You are a seeker, like me! And like me, you are tired of not getting the answers that really solve the root of your questions and concerns. You know there is more out there for you – you just need a lil help finding what works for you and how to craft a roadmap to get you there – and keep you there – in that healthy, happy, fun life you know you crave and dream of living.

And for you business minded folks – I hear you too! You want to keep your staff and especially those high potential employees happy so they stay for the long term and your investment in their growth pays off. You realize their happiness is a valuable asset to your bottom line – it’s the “how” to make it happen that would benefit from outside assistance.

Why is this so important you ask???

Because healthy, happy people make better life and career choices,are more successful and have way more fun along the way!

This is why I work with a wide variety of business owners, entrepreneurs, corporations, and everyday amazing individuals because they all have something in common – they’ve hit a plateau somewhere and seek compassionate, empathetic guidance to that next level of success and accomplishment in their personal life or professional careers.

Working together we can:


a healthy routine that balances mind, body, spirit wellness


the movements, mindset, motivation and mastery for a successful life or career


healthy, happy, fun habits that become your non-negotiable lifestyle


deeper to your unique life purpose, zone of genius and create the life or career that excites you

As Seen In...

Where do you find yourself now?


Hey there, fellow recovering grinder! You’ve put in all the hours, hustled and grinded your way towards that first big goal and now you’ve lost sight of you right? You've got the drive, the passion, and the determination to succeed in business, but have you given much thought to taking care of yourself? That's right, I'm talking about self-care and adult playtime! As much as we love to talk about business growth, it turns out that your personal growth is just as important. Did you know that investing in yourself can actually boost your bottom line? That's because a truly successful business has a happy, healthy individual at its core. So, take some time out for yourself, indulge in your hobbies, and invest in your personal growth. Trust me, it's the secret sauce to taking your business to the next level! So go ahead, take that cooking class, plan that weekend getaway, or try out that new hobby you've been curious about. Your body & business will thank you for it!

Health and Wellness Professional:

Dear passionate soul, I know how much you pour into your work each day, dedicating all your energy and passion to your clients. And you’re starting to notice the impact this is having on your own health and wellness. Continually giving to others without taking time for yourself is a recipe for disaster and burnout. It’s an easy spiral to go down if you’re not careful and you realize it's time to prioritize your own well-being and walk your talk. You preach it and teach it – but do you DO it for yourself??? Your well-being is just as important as your client’s and by taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to serve at the level you desire and continue to provide your clients with the expertise they deserve. Remember, you found your purpose for a reason, and living it daily includes taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally. You can’t help if YOU aren’t the healthiest, happiest version of you!

Corporation / Organizer:

As an organizer responsible for the well-being, growth and workplace happiness, you realize your employees and staff are more than just cogs in the machine. You realize in today’s business culture it's essential to approach employee well-being with empathy and compassion. A fun, collaborative, and growth focused mindset is vital in any workplace, and creates an environment where your team and high-performance employees feel supported, engaged and inspired to do their best work. That's why you’re here - to identify areas that may be lacking in employee motivation and create a cohesive, collaborative work environment that inspires and energizes your team and retains your high-performance employees. Your goal is to build a workplace culture that is not only successful and profitable but also fulfilling and meaningful for everyone involved. And if you need some statistics to back this up, studies have shown that companies with happy, engaged employees have higher productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

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