
Dorci Lyn

Oh…you wanna learn more about me? Well, why wouldn’t you??!! Here are a few more fun, interesting facts about me I think you’ll like. (And for you stats lovers, I listed those first!)

  • I hold 2 degrees – B.S. in Biology/Chemistry/Sociology & A.A. (Associates of Arts)
  • I have over 25 years experience in the health and wellness space
  • I was the 5th in the US and the 1st in Texas to be certified in the healing dance therapy Chakradance that is endorsed by Deepak Chopra and accredited by the Institute for Complementary Therapists
  • I’m a dancer – from the age of 4 through college (received a 2-year dance scholarship!) and still dance today
  • Hosted a radio show for 2.5 years that was in the top 20 of shows in the US for online radio
  • Written 3-best selling books
  • Started my first business (residential/commercial cleaning service) at 26 and built it up to 300+ monthly clients and 25 employees

Now, if that doesn’t give you enough basic information to realize that I am wicked smart as well as fun then maybe I’m not your girl! If you like what you hear SO far…then my friend, read on!

My personal wellness journey began with the passing of my mother when I was 21 and in college to become a medical doctor. This traumatic life event shook my world and took me down the pathway into one of holistic balance between mind, body, spirit and the entrepreneurial journey.

After I lost my mom to a rare form of internal melanoma, I found myself spiraling down an unhealthy path that eventually landed me in the hospital twice in 12 months. I was on several medications for my gut and heart. I was only 30 years old. I decided that I was too young to be on this particular journey and decided to take control of my health and habits. As a result, I have been 100% medication free for over 18 years! So yeah – I know how to create a healthy lifestyle while not sacrificing anything that makes life fun and worth living. And how to do it while creating a thriving business at the same time. I also know that happy people make healthier life and career choices. As simple as that sounds, it’s also not easy to do alone.

I 100% believe to be healthy and happy, you must strive for a life of harmony and balance infused with play, laughter and purpose. I also KNOW that you’re not broken or lost, you’re simply lacking the right information or suffering from information overload and google-itis. My passion and unique ability are recognizing where your “blocks” are and empowering you with the tools and resources to shift and reshape them to achieve that healthy, happy, fun life you deserve! My strategy is to utilize a simple step process of micro-habits to help you create new beliefs, crush old patterns, and establish a mindset for success. When things are simple, they are easier to implement and become habitual!

I realize that happiness isn’t taught and most people search a lifetime for tiny pockets of it. Like anything worth having, you have to work at making happiness your new habit, your non-negotiable that comes before anything or anyone else.

I also know that in order to be successful in creating your new happy, healthy, fun life you NEED an account-a-billa-buddy who will hold your hand during the tough and confusing times. Someone who reminds you of your dreams and holds space for you until you believe them yourself. AND someone who will gently, yet firmly push you to become the best version of yourself. That’s why I offer different levels of workshops, memberships, and trainings. Community, Compassion, Commitment and a whole lotta laughter and hugs!

I’m also affectionately known as “America’s Giggle Buddy”! And just like my favorite cocktails – a good mojito or a mixed drink made with my favorite whiskey – a few ingredients and a lil mixing are all that’s required for an amazing concoction of sweet, southern sass, serious action, and lasting results!

Dorci’s Secret Sauce:
• A splash of Tony Robbins inspiration
• A sprinkle of Oprah’s positivity
• And a huge pour of Texas sass
Stir vigorously and what you are left with is a whole lotta fabulosity with a heart of gold (and a lil kick of action and the slow burn of motivation at the end)!

  • I was adopted and met my birth mother and her family!
  • I have 6 fur babies – 4 cats & 2 dogs! I love them and hate the hair!
  • I LOVE to talk poop! And my favorite gifts are the poop emoji items!
  • I can make friends anywhere – even while pumping gas!
  • I can talk to anything and come away with awesome content – like my fridge!
  • I make up my own words A LOT! Like fantasmagriphic & fantabulous!
  • I secretly still believe in Santa!
  • I am addicted to hair color…like now, I have 3 colors in my hair! I really am a Unicorn!
  • Oh, did I mention I believe in Unicorns too???!!!
  • I absolutely love to swing in a hammock or tire swing!!!
  • I love the sound of the ocean at night and the wind through the trees in my backyard!
  • I believe you are never too old to dream and follow that dream.
  • I have watched so many scary movies over the years that they bore me! EXCEPT for Stephen King – who I love and still kinda freaks me out in a good way!
  • I love sitting on a balance ball cause it takes me back to childhood and sitting on a hippity hop!
  • I love being quirky, finding the unique in everything I wear, do or create and refuse to change for anyone!
  • If you haven’t noticed I love to use exclamation points!!!

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